Bathroom Renovations Burleigh

Bathroom Renovations Burleigh

Published August 3, 2019 by studio admin

Bathroom Renovations in Burleigh Revive that Old Bathroom You Bought

Don’t delay bathroom renovations in Burleigh on that older home you purchased. Problems may be lurking behind the walls and that musty odour will drive you crazy. Queensland Bathroom Renovations is ready to tackle that former bathroom and turn it into a spa oasis quickly and cleanly. Updating the fixtures and tile work, including wallboards, will ensure your old bathroom shines bright and new.

The Importance of Bathroom Renovations in Burleigh

Buying an older home comes with more risks than a newly built one. Plumbing issues may be lurking behind your walls and will make their presence known unpleasantly.

  • A home inspection before purchase may not detect potential problems with your bathroom plumbing and fixtures. Only after you move in and start using the bathroom regularly will you notice potential problems.
  • Having the bathroom at the top of your renovation list ensures future problems don’t become problems. You need to have all the walls and plumbing redone to feel secure as well as provide a room you don’t want to run away from in haste.

What Sets Queensland Bathroom Renovations Apart Regarding Bathroom Remodel in Burleigh

Now that you’ve decided to remodel the bathroom finding a quality contractor who can do the job quickly and within budget can be frustrating. We guarantee that we will complete your project on time and within budget, all whilst keeping your home dust free.

  • We have long-standing relationships with suppliers and traders, which enables us to pass along cost savings to you and provide you with quality workmanship you will want to show off. We can offer you builders pricing on materials and we closely manage our tradespeople, so they stay on time.
  • We have numerous dust management options to keep your home clean during construction. We use state of the art dust vacuums and air scrubbers to ensure good air quality throughout the construction process and cover furniture and floors to protect them. We clean as we go and make sure everything is pristine at the end of the workday, providing you with a clean living environment.

We strive to bring you the best prices and quality workmanship and deliver it promptly, so your inconvenience is minimal and your reaction to the finished product is complete satisfaction.

Why Trust Queensland Bathroom Renovations Regarding Your Bathroom Makeover in Burleigh

We have over 25 years’ experience renovating bathrooms and are members of the Master Builders of Queensland. We provide a 6.5-year warranty through the Queensland Building and Construction Commission to offer you complete satisfaction. With our exceptional pricing you’ll be able to upgrade to better quality materials, allowing you to create your dream bathroom. We closely monitor your project to ensure it stays on time and on budget and adheres to our strict cleaning guidelines so you can show off your new bathroom quickly.

Contact us for more information on how we can update your old bathroom quickly and on a budget you can afford. We offer interest-free financing to assist you on your quest to a better bathroom further.